Monday, October 19, 2009

Thinnest crust

I have found the world's thinnest pizza crust. It was less than 1/8" thick. I'm not exaggerating. The pizza itself actually tasted pretty good, but for me it's all about the crust and I like a thick bready pie. I got it from a little market I stumbled upon on my Sunday joyride; it was a family run place with the kid answering the phone, while the mom dished up my slice and the dad rang me up. They looked middle eastern, Iranian perhaps, or maybe Indian. Being an immigrant myself I couldn't help but wonder how they were treated in this affluent white neighborhood in Lake Oswego. When people find out about my heritage they usually just ask if I'm any good at gymnastics. I guess I'm somewhat lucky that my skin color doesn't automatically put me in a minority category. I thanked the cashier for my pizza and expected a halfhearted, downtrodden "your welcome". Instead he responded: "I hope you like. We have best pizza inside the town." He wasn't downtrodden at all, he was proud and enthusiastic. I drove off eating my pizza feeling somewhat guilty.

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