Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bakery Cart

So Portland is known as P-town, Stumptown, Rose City and now to add to the list Cart Town would be appropriate. It's taken off in the last couple of years and now there are little food cart villages in empty parking lots everywhere serving anything from Mexican Food to Falafel. When I have nothing but time on my hands, I'm gonna do a bread cart; but it looks like someone beat me to it. It had an oven built right into the side of it. I talked to the owner and he said he drove it around the country last year baking his way around. Not the same way my friend did after college in a volksvagen bus full of hippie friends.

I got a apple turnover and a cookie. Both were so so, but nothing special. Plus he wasn't doing bread; which made me happy, because there's still time for me to plan my mobile bread baking operation. Watch out America, when I take my message to the streets, there will be converts, enlightenment, change and hope. It'll be awesome!

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