Sunday, December 13, 2009

on distance

My car odometer rolled over 250,000 miles this weekend. How do they build them these days to go that far on all original parts without any major maintenance? I could have gone around the world over 10 times if they had roads to cross the oceans.
One quarter million miles is how far the moon is from earth. I remember when Yuri Gagarin first went into orbit. I think it took Buzz Aldrin days to get to the moon traveling at over 3000 miles per hour.
I bought a French baguette at Freddy's today. I measured it; about 2' long. It would take roughly 660 milion baguettes end to end to bridge the earth-moon gap. I think I've eaten that many already. On a slightly more tangible note, the cost of this great bread bridge to the moon would be approximately .07% of what we've spent already on the "war on terror" in Iraq; based on the 99¢ I spent per loaf. I really don't mean to come off as having an agenda, I just mean to quantify.

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