Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christoffel bier

While this isn't about bread per se, it's about it's close liquid cousin. This is a temporary post; just on here long enough to be picked up by my friend mrleedy. He keeps a beer review blog and invited me to guest blog for his beerblog.
This beer adheres to the strict Reinheitsgebot according to the ingredients listed on the front label, which is always a good start. The beer itself was a golden straw color and both malt and hops were well balanced. I was afraid it might be too hoppy since it is "dubble gehopft" but not the case. Overall it was a nice beer but nothing special. I bought it primarily for my namesake and this review was just an excuse to get to say "dubble gehopft".
On a slightly unrelated note, last night was the properly televised State of the Union Adress on TV. I watched it while enjoying a recommended Goose Island Winter Ale. It was a very inspirational speech. This might be my new favorite beer. I cant decide if the speech made my beer taste better or if my beer made the speech better, but either way I felt optimistic and encouraged.

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