Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vietnamese French Sandwiches

I was fortunate enough today to find myself in the neighborhood of my favorite vietnamese bakery today. I ordered the patté banh mi, which I have been told numerous times is "too advanced" for me. While waiting for our sandwiches the 10 year old chubby little girl at the register asks me if I'd like to also buy a loaf of raisin bread:

"It's fresh out of the oven, still hot, only 2.99"
"No, thank you."
"Are you sure?"
I nod.
She's gone for a second, and appears bearing samples of the raisin bread. Nobody dares refuse the hot samples. Our sandwiches are up. As I pick them up, I also order a loaf of the raisin bread. I lean in and whisper to the little girl: "That was a pretty good trick with the samples"
She whispers back: "That wasn't a trick, it was a sure thing."
I think she knows.

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