Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I know their secret!

The crust: How do they do it? For years I've tried to make bread at home have that bakery crust, but it has never been quite right. I've heard rumors that it has to do with moisture in the oven, and to put a bowl of water or a moist towel in there. But this morning I was able to glean the real secret: Spray with a fine mist while baking. Makes sense. The baker warned me to try at my own risk. I'm sure they're still leaving stuff out. Like the time we tried to get my mother to divulge how to make chicken schnitzel. My siblings and I all tried to, but we all ended up with chicken strips. Nobody told us that you had to cut across the grain of the meat. I discovered that by accident. Or the time I asked her for her rice recipe, which contains water, rice, salt, pepper, celery and onions; but somehow her rice turns out red. hmmm... I'm sure I'm breaking some sort of culinary etiquette rule by posting their secrets.

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