Monday, July 20, 2009

Mystery Bakery

As promised I returned to the bakery on alberta armed with camera. The name of the place is clearly visible on every tag, which kinda reminded me of that Vanilla Ice song that won him some kind of record for mentioning his own name the most times in one song. I think it was 42.

But the bread was just as good as last week. I also tried a loaf of walnut and currant white, but we're starting to conclude that I only like plain bread. So I cut some up into little squares and made my own crostini, which I ate with some pate and cheese. I let skipper try one, figuring he'd like the meat paste, but he picked it up and bit down, and without crunching it like I would have, told me that it was too hard. I tried to coax him but he simply would pretend to bite down and set it back on his plate. Finally I cut it up into little half inch squares, the way you do for babies and old ladies, and he gobbled it up the way my boss' dog eats bubble gum. Poor baby, that hard crust could have scratched his tender little gums. Aw.

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